
Showing posts from June, 2022

Assignment and the learning process

To know if our students have learned what we want them to, we must do assessments during instruction. Our students' performance in out-of-class assignments can provide us with similar information as tests and quizzes. Sydney benefits from well-thought-out selections just as much as well-designed tests. Indeed, many teachers have been on the receiving end of dissatisfactory student work and have been left to wonder what went wrong. Problems like these are often avoidable by just tweaking the original assignment in the future. Before delegating any significant responsibilities to your students, you must first establish clear expectations for yourself as the teacher. What are your project goals? Every project you assign should be aligned with your overall course goals, and creating assignments help in Sydney is a big part of that process. While summarising an article may not be the wrong way to demonstrate critical thinking, it may not be the ideal way. Instead, you may ask stude